It comes and goes in waves. 

Your life is the ocean. Vast and complex. It could be a ripcurl of a day: overflowing with dancing waves. While another day could be so still and smooth it is like a sheet of glass. 

Swells of anxiety can come at us at different times and different heights. The mysterious capacities they have can be terrifying to paddle towards. We may feel like we are caught in so deeply that there is no way out; however, we can learn to ride them. Do not give in; do not give up. As we learn to keep going and fighting, the less scary these moments become. Remember like waves, obstacles in life flow. They are only temporary. We are not stuck in the depths of it all. Let the tides carry you; in and out.  

We want to grasp at the quick fixes that make the pain and anxiety go away, but that does not anchor and long term mend what seems like an ocean of pain. Keep your eyes above the waves. Lock onto what you are striving for: the life you ultimately want to live. Surf those urges, feelings, emotions, circumstances, and battles. Do not underestimate the power within you to overcome these dark and scary currents. 

In the midst of all the chaos and rush of life, hold onto the stillness. Take moments to reset, to forgive yourself, to breathe. Choose to do the next best thing. Take life wave by wave. 

As life carries you down the streams, explore the depths of you. Take time to dive deeper. Discover and unleash the curiosities that lie at the bottom of your heart and soul. There is so much more beauty to you than what is seen just on the surface. Anchor onto that strength and let it carry you onward. 



Jillian Ackerman