Do you ever just feel exhausted from trying to be perfect at everything, but struggle with not being able to let it go?

As the leaves fall, or as here in Colorado all freeze and fall off in a matter of 24 hours, I am able to feel some sense of connection in the actions that are taking place.

Fall fills me with wonder. The falling colors, loud whispers of sounds, and cool, crisp smells never fail to warm my heart. However, one big gust of wind that sent the leaves flying through the air had me thinking about my journey. First, let me just say that, I sometimes struggle with hearing and reading messages that explain how one simple moment brought upon some incredible realization. I want you to know, that I have moments of deep sorrow and pain. Not everything can switch to something I am either grateful for or see goodness in. I am learning and growing here too. I am no expert at life, I am simply just as imperfect, raw, and real as anyone.

Anyways, seeing the leaves all let go made me realize that perhaps I am as unique and beautiful as a leaf. Perhaps what I need most is to slowly, but surely, let go, to embrace my new journey wherever the wind takes me, knowing that there is a beautiful purpose awaiting me.

So, instead of holding on to whatever you feel connected to or in control of, just breathe, and maybe take little steps to letting it go. There is a reason for those gusts that give us that push. Do not be troubled, and do not be tempted to hold on tighter because you feel safe and stable. You are only delaying what’s going to come. There is peace and good waiting for you, I promise. So with whatever you are struggling with, you have to start somewhere. I know, trust me, sometimes letting go seems impossible and too hard. It won’t just happen overnight, but let’s take those small steps together. 

Maybe it’s time for us to begin to see grace in our imperfections. Flaws do not mean you are less worthy, not good enough, or simply just apathetic. Effort my friend, that’s really what matters. Your journey, adventure, striving dedication, and perseverance is what life is about. Life is not about being number one, being spotless, or having it all RIGHT. You do not have to be all put together and know it all in order to be good enough, to make a change, or to chase after your dreams. Our culture has wired and engraved these ideas deep into our minds. However, we can work together to shift our minds and be free from this life sucking mantra.  

I have been feeling so caught up in perfection. I even struggle with posting on my blog. Yet, I do not need to be perfect on this platform. I have to remind myself of why I started this in the first place. I did not only create this site to encourage and guide you all to live honestly with your imperfections, but to challenge and invigorate myself as well.

I strongly believe we all need community. Reminders that we are not alone, that we are all wonderfully broken masterpieces. I want to be able to challenge each and every one of you and myself. We are all walking on different pathways, full of unique mountain tops and deep depths of water, but we can support each other, guide each other, and help each and every one of us to shine in our own purposeful ways. There is no competition here. No judgment. No pressure. Trust the wind beneath your wings. Just be courageously you. Owning your own story.



Jillian Ackerman