Into your HIGHEST potential

I have been delaying the writing of this endlessly compelling concept because I knew I wanted it to be “perfect”. This notion is ever growing, expanding, and transformative; it is one that I want to carry through my life and hold at the center of my future creations. I was waiting for the ideal moment when I had it all figured out, the perfect arrangement of my thoughts. I desired a flawless piece, something aesthetic and pleasing to the ears. A composition so eloquent that it would and could not fail to leave a lasting impression. 

But the beauty of life is this: it’s never perfect, a finished product, a final destination. Rather, it’s a journey, an artwork continuously “evolving”. So, here’s to something far from “perfect, finished, finalized”, but worth every second dedicated to its formation.  

I can never make sense of why giving myself permission to BE is so damn hard. This fear grows inside me, spreading like wildfire, burning every opportunity to enjoy life.

What will they think? What if it’s weird, wrong, ridiculous? What if I am too much? Am I even enough?

Here I am again, shoving my ideas and dreams in a box and hiding it. Always afraid that showing them to the world will only make people run. I spend time trying to not make a scene, minimizing myself, while also wishing that I was seen. It is this internal, raging war that keeps me locked in this stagnant reality. 

I know that I want to spend my life devoted to people, to helping others see the light and power within themselves. I know I want that for myself too. I will be walking alongside those I hope to help; we grow and thrive together. 

We so often hear and see the ways in which we ought to change and “better ourselves”. There is this emphasis on “becoming” a new version, as if who we are now is inadequate.

However, there are counter-arguments to the “not enough” societal language, shifting the focus toward abundance. It’s the idea that we have all we ever need and allowing ourselves to freely release outside expectations and flourish as we are.

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.” – Les Brown

A spark lives within each of us. We are dreamers by nature, but sometimes we abandon our dreams. Those who were once frolicking in the field of possibilities are now held captive by the world’s expectations and fenced in by the “optimal” trajectory of life. Some sit in those dark moments before our eyes shut, imagining our desired version of ourselves. We get captivated by the aspirations and wishes of who we could be, but let the false nightmares hinder us from being. Chasing dreams or becoming who you secretly crave to be can be the hardest choice to make. 

What are your biggest dreams? What keeps you from pursuing them? What is one step you can take toward that dream? 

Do you feel like there is more of you that you choose to not share? Is there a reason you do not let yourself freely be your whole and authentic self? Can you begin breaking those self built walls and allow yourself to be who you are? 

Are there passions inside your heart you are too afraid to share? Can you find someone, even a pen and paper, to tell? What if those passions are your greatest callings, and you are sitting here, afraid of the one outcome out of all the possibilities. You never know the potential you could rise to if you don’t take that step. Step out, one foot in front of the other. Set yourself free! 

Robert Madu, lead pastor at Social Dallas, talked about “Hidden Potential” at his Sunday service on March 26th. After hearing him speak on a subject so interesting to my soul, I knew it was time to start writing about it. Mr. Madu revealed his thoughts on God’s given potential in each one of us. In his sermon, he illustrated this concept using an example of Micheal B. Jordan and how Micheal reached so far for his dreams and was able to “maximize” his potential.

Perhaps you are rushing and taking the wrong steps towards your greatest potential. Making decisions that are not truly best for you, trying to please someone else, doing things for external validation. Maybe you have your eyes locked on materialistic and depleting goals or ones that are truly not meant for you. That is when we need to get quiet. In a buzzing world, getting still, quiet, reflective, is when we can hear and see what God or higher power gifted to you.  

There is that flame, flower bud, hidden potential, greatest dreams, all simply awaiting your release. And it is time to let go and give yourself the chance to ignite, to flourish, to grow, to be. 



Jillian Ackerman