A new year, new me, new this, and new that. With the arrival of the new year, there seems to be a greater presence of the idea to create this “plan” to become a new and better you. I think it’s wonderful and truly important to create goals and intentions; but not at the cost of thinking you are not enough as you are now. 

I pray that this serves as a reminder that you do not need to “become a new you” as you enter 2023. May you know that what you desire is already within you. You don’t need to chase after a new you, you are already here, and here is enough. You, here, hold all the answers. 

We can dream and hope for happiness, love, grace, success, wealth, connections, and health.  We can envision who we want to be and where we want to go. And we can search for all the answers through materialistic sources and get left unsatisfied and thirsty for more. 

Yet the key to unlocking what you desire so deeply is knowing that you are already there. This freeing act is just giving yourself the space to flourish, to simply be you. True “becoming” requires your surrender and to grow into the person you are born to be; without the standards of our world and thoughts ripping you to shreds. 

You are love. You are light. You are all that you need. And this key is opening up the chance to give yourself permission to soar. YOU ARE NOT TOO MUCH AND YOU ARE ALWAYS ENOUGH. 

There is nothing external that will truly change this year from last. We get told that we can follow this new diet and regimen or go to a new city, or anything “new”. Yet the inner connection and commitment to your authentic self is where the fire resides, where life changing magic happens. 

I hope this year you can begin to lean into those uncomfortable moments with your thoughts and feelings, rid of shame and judgment. You can begin to see the light that is within. You do not dim it for anyone and you don’t let anyone make you feel like it is not there. And you let yourself see your light. 

As you walk into 2023, may you notice that where you put your attention, thoughts, and actions is where the energy then flows and is what you attract. Change your mindset and watch how you open up to the world of possibilities. 

I say farewell to 2022 with so much gratitude and admiration for the big and small steps I made. There was a copious amount of beautiful moments and memories I created that I never thought were possible a few years ago. 

After what seemed like eras of dark and personal wars, 2022 seemed to prove to me that life is still filled with light, color, opportunities and possibilities, hope, and authentic connections. All which are right at my fingertips. And all it took was surrendering. 

I chased after a new start and quickly learned that just because I can restart somewhere new doesn’t mean that the pain and inner battles were going to just miraculously be resolved. I had to put in the work, and I am committing to being present and intentional with myself this year. 

There were so many opportunities and lessons learned. Even some were beliefs I thought I already conquered last year. I had to reshift my understanding that just because I felt I figured out certain ideas and circumstances in life they would never reveal themselves again. I started to recognize that it’s okay that hardships arise again and I am face-to-face with negative thoughts threatening to haunt me. 

In these trials, it is what we do next that sets the current in motion. We can allow it to control and manipulate our lives, or we can rise and continue to flourish without these negative lenses in control. 

Do not get discouraged when you feel like you “failed” this harsh standard around a “NEW YEAR NEW ME”. God works in and through our lives. He works in all seasons: the waiting, the rush, the stillness, the busyness. 

Each moment is a piece to your life, a chapter of your story. And today you are here. And here is enough. Being you is enough.

How are you going to step out of your comfort zone this year? How are you going to show and be love, light, and hope? How can you honor yourself and give space to YOU? 



Jillian Ackerman