Say Yes to Less

The world keeps spinning faster, life passes by, and days come and go in the blink of an eye. We have been programmed and trained to crave and praise this constant “go-go-go” pace of life. Yet, we know that our hearts and souls do crave a change of pace.  It is time to stop the inertia of these habits – the powerful cycles of needing to “do this” and “be that”. 


Yes to slowing down and being still. Taking intentional time to notice the small things. We can embrace the nurture and comfort this time offers rather than forcing ourselves to be pulled into the dreadful loop.  

Oh, the last few weeks have been such a whirlwind. And December can simply just be that way. The last 10 days have been so fast paced and scattered; from studying long hours, taking tough finals, packing up my college room into two cars, driving back to Colorado, and also trying to find the sweet Christmas moments before it’s over. I feel like I haven’t breathed a full, deep breath. However, I am choosing to SAY YES TO LESS; and, oh boy, it is uncomfortable as heck.

I have never been one to sit still; yet, I can feel the longing in my heart to be gentle, to take the time to revive and rejuvenate, to release expectations, and build up energy after years of constant pressure weighing on my shoulders. 

I invite you to do the same. May you find moments to take a pause and look around; appreciate the loved ones in your home, the delicious food and memories being made, the sounds of laughter and conversations. Enjoy the slower paced mornings, curl up on the couch, and hug one another tightly. May you pick up new hobbies, read a book, go for a walk, or call a loved one. Devote time to spreading love; there is no greater gift than acts of kindness and service, as a giver or receiver. 

And most importantly, I challenge you to take the weight off your shoulders. Every day, release the burden of expectations you feel the need to meet. You owe nothing to anyone, ever! You owe it to yourself to be gracious and gentle, allowing yourself to soak in every moment. Let it be authentic and wholesome, not for some post or for the praise of all you can do in a day. SAY YES TO LESS.  



Jillian Ackerman